Quiet Heart Pilgrimages To India!
A soul-etching, life-changing experience of Paramahansa Yogananda's India.....
exclusively for devoted SRF/YSS Kriyaban disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda
How To Apply
The Application Process
1) Read and answer mentally the 10 questions below.
2) If you were able to say yes to all 10 of the questions, email QuietHeart.India@gmail.com with the following:
a brief self-introduction
request a Reservation Packet
include a jpg of a photo of yourself.
You are eligible for consideration if you can say “Yes” to all 10 of these questions:
1) Are you a practicing SRF/YSS Kriyaban?
No one will judge your practice; the important thing is that you are regularly practicing Kriya.
2) Are you psychologically flexible enough to travel in India?
Flexibility is absolutely key in India! This attitude can be cultivated by seeing everything as coming from God for your spiritual growth. (“ What is the lesson in this for me?”) See the section "Being There ~ Reflections of a Pilgrim."
3) Do you value the interior life?
Or are you preoccupied with concerns of the world?
4) Do you aspire to enter more deeply into the Quiet Heart?
…to rest in Faith that no matter what comes or goes you are safe in the Immortal perfect care of God and Gurudev….
5) Do you want to have a deeper personal experience of God and Guru?
Is Divine Remembrance a part of your sadhana these days?
6) Do you want to participate in a structured spiritual pilgrimage?
Because we are visiting the ashrams, our schedule needs to work around theirs. The days and activities are planned in order to use our time wisely. Your interior life, your relationship with the Divine is yours to determine. To help bring us back inside, from time to time we will have short periods of silence, or we will listen to a cd while on a long drive, or take turns reading from Enter the Quiet Heart or the AY.
7) Is Guruji's India is calling you?
This isn’t just a “feel-good” question. When we can feel everything as coming from the Divine, we know the meaning of Swami Achalanandaji’s statement: what comes to us is because “…we either need it or deserve it!” In either case, thinking deeply on it enhances the process and brings us more into The Presence.
8) Have you read all of the sections on the Quiet Heart website?
9) Do you agree to be timely in payments, timely in responding to emails, timely in providing requested preparation information, and timely in completion of preparational activities?
10) Do you have basic email and print-out capability?
All preparation interaction is by email only; phone communication is for actual voice calls as needed; texting, faxes, and scans are not used.
© Brenda Roberts 2021